At the beginning of each year pupils are issued a Homework planner. Please ensure these are returned to school each morning.
We appreciate that teaching methods are forever changing and we may teach things differently to how many parents learned them in school; particularly maths. To help parents support their children, we have posted a series of videos on the next tab. We hope these are helpful.
You will have noticed that we have had to 'raise the bar' with homework to come into line with the new raised expectations of New Curriculum and Ofsted. This may come as a surprise to children and parents in Y3 in particular who are less used to the demands of homework. In the future we will meet with parents of Y2 children in July to talk about transition into the junior department. We have put this site together to help parents support their children with homework and to make clear our expectations as we try to balance the tightrope of letting children be children and the demands of the curriculum and Ofsted.
We greatly appreciate the support of our parents in this learning partnership. Thank you!
Homework Clubs are available during the week for children who are not able to complete the homework at home or who need a little extra help and support from the teacher. These generally run during lunch break.