7 January 2025
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- Vision, Values & Ethos
Our Vision
Our vision is to be an exceptional school committed to teaching and learning; working in partnership with families to provide a caring, stimulating environment rooted in Christian values. Our high expectations enable all to flourish; all are valued and nurtured as unique individuals loved by God.
Reference to John 10:10 … I have come that you might have life – life in all its fullness
Our Values
Our 7 key school values of: Respect, Love, Kindness, Honesty, Perseverance, Forgiveness and Hope, together with the British values of Rule of law, Democracy, Individual liberty, Tolerance and Respect underpin and dovetail with our behaviour expectations and school ethos.
Our Aims
In St Philip’s School we aim to:
- recognise and nurture each individual’s needs, strengths and talents and to develop good character.
- provide a broad, balanced and inspirational education which enables learners to have high expectations and achieve high standards.
- promote high standards of behaviour where all are respectful, honest, and compassionate.
- provide a safe, stimulating and happy learning environment grounded in Christian values.
- teach children to be responsible moral citizens who act independently and co-operatively with an awareness of and respect for the multicultural community and world in which we live.
- work together with parents as co-educators to promote strong home-school relationships to give each child a consistency in their development.
As signatories to the B&NES Race Equality Charter for schools, we are committed to:
- Creating an inclusive, anti-racist school environment, where everyone feels they belong and race equality and cultural diversity are actively promoted
- Challenging all racist incidents, bullying and harassment, taking them seriously and dealing with them effectively in a supportive, meaningful and empowering manner
- Championing race equality through school leadership and governance and ensuring planning, policies and procedures effectively promote race equality and challenge racism
- Educating, enabling and empowering students to challenge racism, promote race equality and celebrate cultural diversity
- Teaching a curriculum that represents the ethnic diversity of our society and aims to raise the aspirations and attainment of all students by providing an education which includes the heritage, perspectives and contributions of all ethnic groups, challenges personal and institutional racism, and enables students to develop a strong sense of identity and belonging
- Ensuring equality of opportunity for students from all ethnic groups to succeed, aspire and achieve their educational potential, removing any barriers to progress and attainment and reducing any gaps between different ethnic groups
- Managing the behaviour of all pupils fairly and equally and adopting good practice strategies to address any differences in sanctions or exclusions between ethnic groups
- Making the admissions process accessible and equal for students from all ethnic groups and that strategies to maintain attendance take account of the backgrounds and needs of students from all ethnic groups
- Working in partnership with local communities and organisations to support our staff, students and parents in relation to race equality, cultural diversity and tackling racial discrimination and harassment
- Training all staff and governors to develop their understanding and knowledge so that they can teach, address and respond effectively to issues of race and racism
- Ensuring our recruitment procedures follow the law and guidance on race equality and allow us to employ and develop an ethnically diverse workforce that is representative of the communities we serve
- Routinely monitoring all aspects of the school to highlight any racial inequalities, understand their cause and take action to remove any unfairness or disadvantage